band wagon.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I tried to fight it, I truly did, but I've succomed to the count down band wagon. Here are some things you probably never hoped to know about me.

Ten Things I wish I could say to 10 Different People

1. I miss you. How did we get here? Let's go back.
2. You are my spiritual giant and I look up to you more than you'll ever know.
3. I am so gateful you're in my life, even if we don't get along most of the time. I love you SO much. You've done so much for me. Thank You
4. Your confidence radiates from you and I admire it so much.
5. You.. are a drama queen. Take a step back, things aren't as bad as you make them out to be.
6. You're capable of SO much more. Live a little.
7. The world is a great place, full of good, and I promise it's not out to get you.
8. What do I mean to you? If you could clarify it would be much appreciated.
9. Thanks for sticking with me, you have eternally changed my life for the better.
10. Come back. Keep trying. Don't give up on it.

Nine Things About Myself

1. I'm roughly six feet tall.
2. I have high expectations.. of myself and of others.
3. I never remember to do up my zipper.
4. Getting dressed is my least favorite part of the day. I wish I was high fashion and that I had someone to pick out my clothes/shop for me.
5. I need a lot of sleep. I can't take a nap for less than 2 hours, and that is a stretch.
6. I love to read health articles, but rarely apply the things I learn to my day to day life
7. I wish I was crafty
8. I'm excellent with directions. Take me somewhere once and I could take you there again.
9. If I could I would spend my entire life doing humanitarian work. 

Eight Ways to Win my Heart

1. Make me laugh, laugh at me, and laugh often.
2. Play me a song on your gee-tar, even if you're awful I will still melt.
3. Speak to me in a foreign language.
4. Expose me to new things and new adventures. Be active.
5. Be ambitious. Be confident. Dream big, and make those dreams come true.
6. Be honest and be humble.
7. Love and serve others.
8. Be a family man. Love your family now, and the family you'll have some day.

Seven Things That Cross My Mind A Lot

1. I should apply what I just read in that health article to my life.
2. I wish he were taller
3. What's going on tonight?
4. What am I doing with my life. I feel so unaccomplished.
5. How can I help them?
6. Where will I be/What will I do after I graduate?
7. Oooh she's cute. I wish she would dress me.

Six Things I Do Before I Fall Asleep

1. Take my eyeballs out, and by eyeballs I mean contacts.
2. Brush my teeth.
3. Check my alarm at least twice.
4. Have some one on one time with the Man upstairs.
5. Read the Good Book(s)
6. Tell my roommates I love them

Five People-or Groups of People- Who Mean A Lot To Me

1. Asia Bird. My rock. My Best Friend.
2. My Madre and me Brotha Stetson- Such great examples.
3. Bebs
4. A-Team 2010-11
5. Chisholm Fam.

Four Things I'm Wearing

1. Denim Shorts.
2. Nickel City Friendship Bracelet
3. White Flats
4. SYTYCD T-shirt

Three Songs I Listen To Often

1. All About Us- He is We
2. Happy- NSN
3. A Little Bit Stronger-Sara Evans

Two Things I Want To Do Before I Die

1. Change lives for the better, serve and LDS Mission.
2. Travel like crazy, see the seven wonders.

One Confession:

I'll keep it short-litereally. Sometimes I crush on short guys and wish they would go for me.

1 comment:

Ashley Jordan Howell said...

I love your blog. I love you. I may do this now..darn it.
But, I love everything about this.

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