M.I.A- the romantic gesture.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Lately I've been contemplating the recent disappearance of the romantic gesture. Where did it go? Why? I've been reviewing a few of my favorite, cheese ball, chick flick happy endings and mulling over why it is things just don't happen like they do in the movies. My conclusion? We're watching the wrong movies.. ( most of us anyway, obviously not me ;) ) Why are so many people, or more specifically girls, wasting their time mooning over mythical creatures and fairy tales? We're only setting ourselves up for disappointment, and our guys up for failure. Today it seems as though "romantic" gestures have been made out to be, by both women and men, more extravagant and synthetic than they truly need to be.  Guys that get and keep the girls aren't the guys that buy them expensive things or that are even crazy attractive. They're guys that do the small things.
Guys like..
 He wrote her letters, danced with her in the middle of the street, and kissed her in the rain. 

He stuck with her through and through her trampy rep, and never let other people's perception of her get in the way. 

Stereo over the head, enough said. 

and finally, Patrick Verona
Patrick.. my man that set aside his inhibitions and made a complete fool of himself, for the sole purpose of impressing her. He was creative, and put forth a little effort, something guys today, more often than not, do not do.

You will notice that not a  one of these gestures cost a dime, but rather time and effort or just a small thought. Write a note, serenade her, play up an inside joke, put down the  cheesy hallmark card.  Do something to rediscover the romantic gesture and it's original state. Do it before it grows too late!


asiabird01 said...

I love that you chronicled all of these! I think you forgot one: Jake remembered Samantha's birthday - http://matildakay.com/images/16candles.bmp

Daryn Frischknecht said...

ahh this is so true!! Why can't we just find a simple guy like that?

San said...

Those simple guys come along in disguise and then they disappear before you realize what you could of had. I'm one of those blessed ones that the simple guy didn't give up.

Unknown said...

Everything you just said. Is EXACTLY what I was thinking about writing... like do guys give girls flowers anymore??

HA. Great blog :)

Tailored By Taylor said...

amen amen
i just want a guy who will do the cute little things, i don't need the gifts and fancy things, just the small cute things guys can do to let a girl know they care!
that's what i'm talking about

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