one year.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

This week B is approaching his one-year mark of being home from his mission. Where has the time gone? So much has changed in that time, and I'm exactly where I didn't plan to be, but somewhere so so much better.

Last year at this time I was still in college. I lived with some of my best friends, and was pursuing a career opportunity in California - all while anxiously awaiting the return of a missionary that had a special way of making me giddy from 2000+ miles away.Graduation was looming and another "big" decision seemed to need deciding on the daily.

B was still in England- soaking up all of the culture and history it had to offer. He was approaching the most bitter-sweet day of his life, preparing to leave loved ones and to greet others. He still followed a dress-code and was spending his days in service to others. He was on the Lord's time with no thought for the future aside from school in the fall.

Now look at us. Less than a year later, we're married. My days are spent at a 9-5, while Ben's alternate between school and work. I haven't been to an Aggie athletic event in a painful amount of time, and he's suddenly consumed with homework and a semi-concerning love for video games. Sounds glamourous right? Well - it is.

Married life consists of a lot of Netflix, a lot of late nights, and a lot of laughter. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

A year ago I couldn't imagine I'd be where I am -and a year from now I'm sure I'll say the same. So much can change in so little time and I'm excited to see just where our life together takes us.


kimhanni said...

A year ago this week you almost exploded our kitchen. Thanks for that, B. Haha, LOVE YOU BOTH.

chickie chickie said...

Haha Kimmie I'll have to write about that. The smell of burnt rice will forever reside in D103.


Jon and Bridget said...

Love for video games... I get that! Love ya girl! :)

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