This Is Not A Joke

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

When I hoped for a post before Christmas, I obviously meant a post before THIS Christmas.

I'm a terrible blogger - get over it.

I've joined the ranks of cliche' Utah-County cyber-wives and will likely have a lot more time to devote to this dear, sweet, blog of mine. Don't worry, I'm not planning on starting a photography business anytime soon.

Did you catch the word wive up there? That's right, Chickie Chickie hitched her wagon to a man we'll call B and has never been happier. My corner will become our corner of the internet- a place to share our memories and anecdotes, but don't fret. It will, in all reality, still be a place for my memories, but with a lot of "B" mentions. The day he writes a blog post will be the day I go whale watching -- aka never. Have you seen Blackfish!? 

Anyway- here's to trying again. I promise- this is not a joke.

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