peru #10.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Peruvians like to party, and to anyone remotely familiar with Latin American culture this should come as no surprise. This week we had not one, but two reasons to party and you better believe that with their help we took full advantage of both. 

The first, and perhaps most obvious, was the fourth of July. I worried being away from home for such a home-based holiday would be a little sad. I had fully prepared myself for the home-sickness, but am happy to say it never came. Instead of wallowing we worked, and by the end of the day we had accomplished some really great things. We gave up parades and navajo tacos for tree planting and cold-cuts, but that didn't stop us from celebrating our favorite holiday. Luzbi, our cook, made her best attempt at hamburgers that night and for the first time since being here we had corn. This corn had kernels the size of dimes and was better than American corn could ever hope to be. Go big or go home right? After dinner we spent the night playing volleyball in the street and lighting off the sketchiest of sketch fireworks. It's a miracle no small appendages were lost that night. Pedro played our American music for all to hear and the whole neighborhood came out to celebrate America's birthday with us. It was a make-shift fourth of July, but also one of my favorites. 

Aside from our dear sweet America, Jared also had a birthday this week! With the help of some great guys in our ward we through him a surprise party and if I do say so myself the night was a smashing success! We started with some Spanish 80's kareoke and it didn't take long for that to evolve into crazy dancing, and from there music video imitation. What made the night so great was how comfortable we all were with each other's quirky/strange behavior. We were out of control and nobody cared or noticed. Instead we just enjoyed being there and being weird. I am so lucky to be here with these weirdos, they're actually all pretty great. 

Party on kids. 
Until next time

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